Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sunday Aug 8

Sunday is really my first day of my weekend... but then I haven't started working yet so it just feels like I am on vacation in some resort with no sightseeing... :) I got home from Work on Saturday AM... and then was up with no sleep until 9 pm that night. I finally crashed and slept til Sunday AM at 3:30. Just love that... 3:30 AM.. and you're wide awake... and now what do you do? Well luckily the gym opens at 5.... and so I kept myself busy til then. Went to the gym, ran my miles, stretched, steam room etc etc... The brunch which is my favorite time of the day brought a couple of new things.. My favorite was the cucumber and orange juice. It was real tasty and the sign said that it was also good for your complexion. Of course with the humidity, and the rain (due to Monsoon Season) If you have dry skin here.. something is REALLY wrong with you. ! Today's brunch I only had 3 huge courses down from 4.... which during the week when I am working it will be going down to like 2 with the first being fruit.

Today we actually went out to the pool and laid outside in the chaises. But then here came the dark clouds and sprinkles.. and the weather just gives you enough time to get inside before the deluge of the monsoon weather opes the skies. I laid down at 4 PM today and slept til 10 PM tonight. Again I went to the gym and walked my 2 miles, steam room and then came back to have food from room service.

At about 1 this AM, my co worker Pat and I went to the Starbucks next door to the hotel for coffee and we sat in the lobby talking and watching these 4 guys put together this, for a better word, flower arrangement together. This "flower arrangement" was at least 8 feet tall, had these "flowers" that looked like oranges in the shape of Micky Mouse, and these really cool Rose cactus that were hanging from this huge chandelier in the lobby. Now these Micky Mouse things looked like weird oranges. I asked them if that was a fruit. They said they were flowers... and so I asked what were they called?? They said Micky Mouse. I can't make this stuff up .. literally.. very cool and I can't wait to see the final product when they are done tomorrow.

We had a little excitement today... My other co worker and good friend of 12 years Spencer (he is a data guy) was kind of MIA. We had food yesterday AM (Sat) and then hadn't seen him since. It had been 28 hours of him. We asked Belle (our waitress - which she is the best of the best) if she had seen him and she hadn't seen him for food this AM either. When you called his phone, it was like it was off hook or not working. His Do not disturb light was on in the hall which then disengages the doorbell to the room. So the night before we just thought he was sleeping. but then today in the afternoon.. it was just getting a little worrisome. So... we went to the front desk and explained we hadn't seen our friend (nor had anyone else) for 28 hours. We also explained that his phone wasn't working either. They said they could open the room and check it out. However that really meant that we got the hotel manager, head of security, the doctor and the nurse to escort us (Pat and I) to his room when they went in. We also before all of this had gone to his room and pounded on the door as well to no answer.

Well when we walked in.. he was in bed and then of course we startled him to see 4 people in his room.. at least he knew Pat and I. Well once they knew he was up and ok.. they left immediately which I went out and profusely thanked all of them for their help and understanding and apologized for any inconvenience. Well Spencer had gone out to the Hard Rock Cafe the night before, and had a little too much to drink to help him sleep. He has been battling a nasal thing ever since he has gotten here. He wasn't upset at all.. but was quite glad that we were concerned for him.

Now a side line story.. I guess the smog situation here in Manila is quite an issue. With the heavy humidity (100 % at this time of the year) the air just hangs in the sky. The smog is so bad I am told that a lot of people that aren't used to it coughs up black stuff. He is thinking that is what has caused his issues. I personally in the 3 days (feels like a week) that I have been here have not had that issue. In fact the only abnormality is a little digestion irregularity along with a little sweating in bed this evening. I am a firm believer that all the exercise I am doing, and the steam room (sweats it all out of me) along with my diet etc... I am basically physically doing pretty well. Most people have all kinds of issues.

The only issue I am having is I have no clue what time of day it is... morning, evening etc. My body tells me one thing and my mind tells me another. EVERYONE will constantly say Good Morning, Good Evening Mr Thomas... it is amazing how the people I see every day have memorized my name from day 1. They always use my name in greeting me. They say Good Morning and I say Good Evening.. which they I think are used to people being confused and don't even blink an eye. Of course after I say it.. I correct myself... So now.. I just say Hello.....and Thank You. That way my greeting is a nondescript greeting appropriate for all times of day or night. The same with food... I don't say breakfast or dinner.. I say eating food. I am becoming a very generic speaker.

I just noticed on my desk in my room there is a sign for the Shangri La that are now opening soon around the world. There is one in Paris that will be opening soon. Maybe next year I can stay there with all of my points for the 3 months of staying here .... hmmmmm.... I can get used to living like a billionaire....

Early morning today Pat and I went to Starbucks (they are open til 3 on Sunday's) that is located next door to the hotel. Now being here it is somewhat safe outside.. but it was really safe outside. When you leave the hotel, there are security folks everywhere and I am sure that there is a command center for this hotel. We have security with bomb sniffing dogs checking every car that drives up the driveway, they have security wands that they check every person walking into the hotel, not to mention that as we left the hotel property there are guards there.. and Starbucks had 2 armed security people out front. One even opens the door for you as you enter and depart. So maybe there may been have 2 seconds on the edge of the curb between hotel and Starbucks that you weren't watched by men with dogs or guns.

The air was about 75, 100% humid.. but not too hot. So we decided to have our coffee outside at the Starbucks. There were quite a few people doing the same thing. Well we weren't there 5 mins... and I felt sprinkles of rain. I looked up and the air was thick. I said to Pat that we better go back because when the skies open up... we will be soaked even tho it it not that far. Well we were back in the lobby sitting for about 5 minutes.. and the monsoon rains and a good wind was blowing strong. The weather does give you a lead time to run for cover usually.

I had room service for food tonight after the gym for the first time. I ordered chicken won ton soup, and a burger. What I got was food for 4. This soup came in a soup tourine, had won tons, carrots in the shape of flowers, pea pods, chunks of chicken and angle hair noodles. Then the burger came with french fries (I only had 2 for those that know what that means), 1 onion ring, and there must have been 1/2 pound of meat. I asked for no bacon since that comes on it unless you don't want it. They also brought a good size salad dressed, and 3 sides, one of some kind of slaw, and 2 other things that I couldn't tell what it was. If I had known all this a head of time I would have just had the soup.. it was a huge meal all unto itself... and it was so GOOD. Not sure how I am ever going to have won ton soup from Rich City ever again. I don't eat the salad here since they wash it with the regular water. I am told my more than a few folks the water is what they think that makes them not well. So I drink bottled water (which the hotel gives out constantly everywhere BUT the restaurant). I asked for 2 bottles of water with my food this morning because I always forget to bring it with me from my room. Thinking they give you water everywhere all the time that the 2 bottles they brought me then were going to be free. Well the bill for the 2 waters came to about 7 dollars.. that with service charge (tip) and vat (tax) included. Who knew.. As they say Knowledge is Power..

I sit in my room... 3:23 AM on Monday morning. I am going to the gym at 5 when it opens to run and work out. I have a few things I want to look up on the Internet as well before then. Then after the gym, eat food, and then get to bed by 10.... sleep til 6 and be ready for the driver at 8 PM. I am looking forward to getting started to work. I think the busy work schedule that awaits us will also help the routine of life continue at a better pace. I have been here for 3 days.. basically with nothing to do... and it has seemed like it has been a week. Not a big deal since we are living in luxury and treated like kings and queens. I know we have some challenges awaiting us on day one of training... along with the beginning of training. I think the first day is going to go so fast our heads will spin. We are going to have 21 folks in the class which is a lot of people. Also none of them have any id's for any of the systems (which numbers maybe 10 to 15) which they will need for the class. So.. day one.. smiling, being professional, and so far behind the 8 ball... it is not funny. But everyone is so cooperative and nice.. we will get through it. Life will go on.. and we will be great.

Thought for the night that Pat mentioned.. maybe someone knows... and if you do let me know. I am going to have Tim call the accountant on Monday. If you work outside of the country... does the IRS take taxes out of your pay check for that amount? Also does Philly take the city wage tax out of said wages as well? I am going to be here for a total of approximately 12 weeks this calendar year... and between taxes and city wage tax of 4.5 % of gross wages.. that is a lot of money. One can only hope.

The thorn today was just the so minor off feeling of my digestive system.. with the roses too many to mention.. but the won ton soup and the cucumber and orange juice are 2 that come to mind.

Until next time..


  1. Hey Craig,
    Just read your whole blog and finally figured out why you were in's been awhile...WOW what a great opportunity...your hotel looks fabulous...No p-town this summer, but maybe Manila has its own version...Have a great time and can't wait to read more.
    David Borgula

  2. Hey David.. no Ptown. but so many new sights this year between Manila, Greece for vacation in September.. Life is great.. More fortunate and lucky than ever !!!!
