Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Magandang umaga Everyone!!!!! That means Good Morning. I have learned Good Morning, Good Evening, Thank You, Delicious, in Filipino so far. Everyone is so nice and polite so now I can return the saying but in THEIR native tongue. So far from my driver, to the doormen, to my favorite Waitress in the hotel Belle, they are so surprised when I respond to them in their native tongue.

Well I have been here almost 1 week.. and I am really enjoying the stay. Training is getting better.. seems like we have been in class for days.. but it has only been 3 days. I have enjoyed eating all the food, not to mention going to the gym a lot, eating a lot.. and still losing weight.

I have met a lot of very nice people so far between here in the hotel and in the company that we are working with. I have signed up for some kind of sports fest that lasts 4 weekends. I have signed up for volleyball and bowling. This Saturday is the opening ceremonies.. Not sure what I am getting my self into... but I can't wait. We are the red team.. with jerseys and everything. I am sure that there will be pics of this one..

Today was the first day that I felt like I was run over with a jeepney (google this one) which are abundant here in Manila. I went to bed last night on time, went to the gym last night and ran and had my dinner. Today I woke up and had slept all the through the night very soundly which was good.. but I just couldn't wake up. I did end up going to the gym but only walking 1.6 Km vs my normal 3.2 Km, had the American breakfast instead of my usual oatmeal... and still couldn't wake up. I had to get a cup of coffee mid point in the day... which eventually kicked in and I was off and running. I had to have my 2nd cup later in the day.. Tonight... no running.. instead had dinner with my 2 co-workers, and will take a hot soak in the bathtub.

This am.. before I went to work took my walk to the Subway to get my lunch.. and held out sweating til I got there. It was only 82 degrees (felt like 92) with 100% humidity. So tonight.. going to rest..
Tomorrow casual day.. get to wear jeans.. and then back to the gym.. walking and running.

I am also going to take pictures of the weekly flower arrangements in the center of the lobby. This week is the Mickey Mouse flower arrangement with rose cactus hanging form the chandelier.. The first week is I think the last picture .. will get a closer view now that I know they change them out on Sunday night.

Well Salamat to everyone (Thank You) for reading my blog. I know not much during the week since I am working 9 to 10 hours a day.. and then going to the gym 2 times a day.. and eating a lot of good, healthy, and sometimes new and interesting food. Weekends bring more adventures, and fun.. Stay tuned.

Today's rose of the day.. is bringing smiles to the faces of the people I encounter ..... and I still don't have a real thorn in my day..


  1. Make sure you take advantage of the spa! Massages are so cheap there compared to rates here in the US.

  2. We already miss you Craig! Hope you continue to have a great time and I hope you can get better accustomed to the time difference and the sleeping there. :)

  3. Thanks Miguel.. I am getting more adjusted. but then the weekend comes and I am trying to stay up during the day.. I will be a mess for months to come.. :) I plan on it Erick.. the hotel is not real cheap.. but I have been living in the gym.. walking before work and running after.. and the STEAM ROOM.. is so HOT.. I mean hot.. I just melt!!!!!

  4. I few minutes walk from your hotel is Greenbelt 1 where "The Spa" is located...

  5. hmmmm I will have to check that out Erick.. You are my new best friend.. when I get back home !!!!

  6. The SPA!!!!! OMG.. this is a dream come true. I owe you big time Erick. I just sent off for a 2 hour Gentleman's Package on Sunday afternoon. You are right.. it is rather INEXPENSIVE!!!! Thanks !!!!!
