Saturday, August 14, 2010

Hello.. Well I have a lot to catch up on .. First I said I was going to start putting up the weekly flower arrangement pictures on the blog. I have to tell you about this weeks. They change them on Sunday nights way after midnight so they will be changing it tonight. This is actually a flower arrangement except they look like werird shaped oranges. A little background on why I am showing you and telling you the story of the weekly flower arrangement. I normally work Monday nights 9 PM to Saturday 6 AM.. and then of course sleep in the day time. Well on Weekends I am then living (or trying to) like normal people and not vampires... so I stay up for the daylight hours. Well my weekend is turning out to be more like getting 5 to 6 hour sleep increments throughout the weekend.. then trying to stay up VERY Late on Sunday night... go to the gym when it opens at 5 AM on Monday.. and then sleep all day Monday to get back on my vampire schedule for the work week. So that being said.. I go to Starbucks next door around 1 AM Monday, and sit in the lobby and watch the staff of people doing the main arrangement in the lobby and then there are many smaller arrangements that match all over the place. I have orchids in my room and bathroom not to mention every on my room service table for my daily food before I go to work. (oatmeal and carrot/orange juice).

This past week there were 5 people working on this one. They put in each one of these "flowers" one by one by hand on ladders. We asked them what they were since they looked like fruit with ears.. Kind of like Disney grows their own oranges. They told us they were actually flowers, and they called them Mickey Mouse flowers. I have noticed that they do change color through the week as if they were wilting.. they are the size of a lemon. Hanging above from the chandelier they have hanging rose cactus's.. They are green and look like rosebuds on a cube.. and they are cactus. I didn't get that shot but will try to be a better photographer as I go. Also I am adding some pics of my view from the room which I over look the front of the hotel where the fountain is, and then the circular park across the street, the tennis court to the left and the pool to the right. One of me at the pool one morning after work.. So far that is the only time I have been there.

Well this weekend was my first weekend to be able to get out and do things. I am working with a company (our vendor) called Infosys Inc. It is an Indian company that has offices in Manila as well. Well they have more customers than AT&T out of the city. Well Infosys has this sports competition called SportsFest. Their employees that support these different customers compete with each other as well as the their corporate team. The sports that are involved are basketball (the Philippines main sport), volleyball, badminton, billiards, and I believe cheerdancing. As the client I was invited to participate if I wanted to. Well not knowing what I was committing to, I said I could play volleyball and bowling.

So comes Saturday and we go the gym ... They used the gym on the Air Force Base here in Manila. We get to the gym to register... register???? I thought it was just some folks from the building getting together to "play" ... We register, get our jersey's (I am on the red team and they give me # 1 since I am the customer). It was 100% polyester... which is ok.. usually, and it fit me good.... almost a little snug. Well now for the background story.. We (my 2 co workers go with me.. they are not participating) get there early as told but I was told wrong. The gym is an open air gym... being that there is a building but no windows so the same air that is outside is inside. Well it was about 37 degrees C.. which is about 100 degrees F... and NO air. This is not a modern USA Air Base gym..... We go looking for water.. since I am going to need water.. People start coming ... and now this is turning into a huge event. There was a total of 400 people or so.... we had an opening ceremonies.. we had banners, we had 6 teams with 6 different colors.. In the opening ceremonies, we all march in our groups and route for our teams etc.. We get lined up and sing the national anthem. We have our opening remarks.. and then ... let the games begin. I was getting scared when I see the people warming up.. they are SERIOUS volleyball players.. We have referees and timers and scorers that are not part of the company. Basketball had official uniformed referees. I am sitting here in my red polyester jersey, sweating like a crazy man.. and we haven't even started. I jumped with a few guys outside in the street to warm up.. and practice. I thought I knew how to play volleyball... They gave me some tips on what to do.. how to do them... and a couple of things on what NOT to do since you can lose points if you do them.. GREAT.. I was feeling like 4th grade and being picked last.. except they are trying to be so kind and treat me (their customer) like a king and some are thinking .. we are so screwed. Funny thing was ... I was thinking I was so screwed.. but for different reasons. I got to be one of the guys that carried the banner which was very cool.. and there were tons of pictures which I will hopefully get soon and post them. My camera battery was dead.. (note to self.. check your battery before the big day!)...

We practiced a lot, I stretched.. and then the big moment came. We had our cheering section.. which consisted of folks that support AT&T, their friends, family, and some of the Infosys upper mgmt that I know.. which are all from India.. cheering me and their guy Raoul on. A note of fact is that there is really no Volleyball in India.. But then Raoul looked like he played really well. So here we go.. I am a starter.. the whistle blows.. and I put every ounce of concentration and energy into this game. I played pretty well considering.... was absolutely soaking wet for the 3rd or 4th time that day. I played the entire 1st set, and rotated out the 2nd set.. which was very ok with me. I wanted our team to win!!!!!! Well after 2 long sets which my team both lost.. we will play next week for 3rd and 4th. We were getting our groove as a team together eventually but not soon enough. I think we will take 3rd next week.. and now I am prepared for the day. I think we have a good chance for 1st place for the cheerdancing.. They did GREAT.. but basketball is the least likely for a good finishing place. Have no clue on Badminton.. but people have their own racquets...

We watched the basketball for awhile.. and then eventually left back for the hotel at 9:30 PM. The funny thing that the only ones that were sweating like stuck pigs were the Americans. I think the Filipinos and the Indians are so used the heat and humidity.. their bodies are used to it and just don't sweat. Some actually didn't.. And that polyester jersey??? felt like a wool blanked in the summer.. stuck to my body.. Next week we compete with volleyball again.. and I also am competing in bowling. They have a 4 time world champion bowler that is big here and owns a bowling alley. We are playing at his bowling alley next week. At least I can bowl... ave 175 and can hold my own on that one.

I shocked a few folks on how good I did play volleyball and was told next week by my team captain... I was going to be one of the starters for the game.. so I guess I didn't do to badly after all. I kind of warned them I can bowl.. so don't underestimate me..

Week 2 started and I am finally feeling the effects of new surroundings.. food, etc.. and have spent more time in the bathroom than I would choose. So far not too bad and a lot less than most people.. but then again I have been trying to be careful with what I eat, drink, sleep, and exercise.. which has been paying off.

Today I am off to the spa.. ( for a 2 hour gentleman's package. Also if you look at the prices.. The currency is in peso's.... and it is 45 peso's to a dollar..

Tonight .. I will be in the lobby to see this weeks flower arrangements going up to report back with stories I am sure.. and some pictures.

Look forward to the pics of yesterdays sporting event.. will get them up as soon as I can post them. But the one of my shorts and jersey is attached.. for proof that I was there... and participated... and contributed.. felt more than just AT&T.. felt like I was playing for USA as well as myself.

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