Saturday, October 16, 2010

Well Here it is.. 8 days later.. So much to talk about. We left Mykonos last Saturday.. Greece was a great vacation.... I did a lot of rest and relaxation... little beach little sun. A LOT of shopping.. now I need to go to Shopping addiction classes.. and going back to Manila is NOT going to help.

We got back to Paris Saturday afternoon around 5:30. My neighbor Dave picked up Scott, John, Michael T and I. We dropped off S&J at their hotel and then headed to Dave and Rosemary's house. Again it was so good to see them like we did on the way to Greece. That night I had made plans with a guy named Marc Felici... who is a french guy. Now. I met Marc back in 1977 in Cedar Falls in High School Marc was a foreign Exchange student from France that was in my high school. We were friends. So after not talking for almost 35 years... good old facebook found us again chatting. So since I was in Paris we thought we would try to rendevous... (that's a french word you know) for dinner. Well between not having wifi at the house in Mykonos.. our communication was a little spotty. Marc lives kind of near the airport. So he went to the airport to try to find us and pick us up. Well I didn't get on line until we had hit Dave and Rosemary's house. So we kind of missed each other. I called him when I got in and he still wanted to come into Paris for dinner. he drove 45 minutes.. I met him outside and helped him find a parking space. Well for those that have been to Paris... one spot you DON'T want to be in a car is in the circle by the Arc or Triumph..... well I got to experience that not once but 2 times... since he over shot D&R's street. That was a wild ride... Thanks Marc for not getting us killed... :)

We ended up going to this nearby restaurant called Stella.. WONDERFUL!!!!!! (that is an english word)... The dinner was great.. Marc french with some good english, Michael T and Dave with not much french and Rosemary with some pretty good french. We had a great time and got home late after a very long day.

Next morning we got up, had breakfast and then headed to the Paris Auto Show. Now the Paris Auto show is every other year. Well for those that have been to any car show, this is the car show of all car shows....... for so many reasons. 1st.. the cars. all kinds of cars... cars you will never see in the states ever, prototype cars, antique cars VERY expensive cars... and all kinds of electric and hybrid cars. 2nd... the fashion.. Everyone working at any of the individual car companies... was like going to a fashion show for each one. The fashion was as important as the cars. 3rd.. the presentation of the cars... They spent millions on the presentation of the staging of the cars.. very modern, lots of lights and sound... and TON of people. We walked around for most of the day.. I eventually found my way back to Dave and Rosemary's while the others went to this museum which they wanted to see. I have the luxury of going back to Paris since I can stay with Dave and Rosemary... so wasn't to concerned with squeezing too much into a very short period of time. I rested and relaxed.. That night the 9 of us.. Scott, John, Tom, Joe, Michael T and I, Dave and Rosemary and Earl went to this other great restaurant.. Le Grand Cobert.... again.. very good food, company and wine. I had fish.. thinking it would be healthy.. but the sauces circumvented that. But again... late night. We were taking the metro home.. where 1/2 way there they stopped the trains and made us get off. We ended back at the apartment via taxi.. Again.. dead sleep in seconds.

Monday AM.. we were off to the airport once again... and this time for Boston. My dilemma was trying to figure out how to get some sleep.. and not be too messed up when I got back to Boston. I needed to be as ready to go for Saturday when I was off to Manila again. Well got back to Boston.. took a 1/2 of a little orange pill and got some sleep. Not sure if helped or not. Didn't do too much in Boston Monday night.. went to bed and of course was up early AM.. I got to the airport in Boston on Tuesday AM... and FINALLY got home to Philly at 1:30 PM on Tuesday.. HOME SWEET HOME.. is NOT just a phrase...

Well it was good to see Tim and Molly not to mention the neighbors... I ended up unpacking, doing laundry, and cleaning the house and watering the plants.. and just getting back to square 1. Was a long day.. but wanted to stay up so I could get a good night sleep. Started getting a sore throat... and was just plain tired. We ended up going out to dinner on Tuesday night.. and I was falling asleep at the table.

Wed through Friday was a blur.. I had to take my car into the dealership early Wed AM, ended up doing my work voucher from the end of the first Manila trip, and then working on that thing the rest of the day at home. Thursday I had to do my benefits, and get throughu my slew of emails... not really a lot of real work since I was going back to Manila on Saturday. Was so tired on Wednesday couldn't get to chorus like I wanted. I have been missing my friends a lot.. But had a little street party for Julie, Jerry, Aiden and Keira since they are leaving the "hood" for the other side of the river this Saturday. I was in bed by 9:00 Wednesday... still trying to feel good and normal.. but not happening..

Well went and got my hair cut on Thursday, got what work I wanted to get done done... and then Friday ended up packing, and doing some work, getting things ready to leave for Manila. Met Tim downtown for dinner and then went home and finished. Bella came home today.. and so I did get to spend some time with her which I have missed her all summer. All packed and was in bed by 10:30.

Now.. Here I sit.. at the PHL Int'l airport.. waiting for my trip to Detroit.... then Nagoya Japan and Manila.. should take me about 24 hours or more to get there.. It is 8:48 AM local time..Saturday and will arrive Sunday night 10:30 PM local time. Should be very hectic when I get to work... but I get there on Sunday night which is my time to be up.. time to watch the flowers get changed... (more pics to come) and then 5 AM gym, eat, get to bed.. and start the 5 weeks of VERY crazy work. But through it all.. very grateful to have a job, a great life... not to mention all that goes with that.. friends and family... to share it all. so...

If you are on facebook the pics of most of the vacation are on there... Mykonos to come yet... and then more stories as I start the 3rd leg of this marathon travel for 2010. Again thanks to Tim for the support, Molly the licks and licks and licks, and friends, neighbors, and family because with out you all it would be so much more difficult to do what I am doing. You all are the best.

Until next time..


1 comment:

  1. I am one of those people prone to headaches, migraine and colds. Usually, my first recourse is White Flower Embrocation (, also called White Flower Oil
