Monday, September 6, 2010

Hello All:

It has been a week since I have touched base. Last week was the last week of the training that I was co facilitating... and it was a busy week. Now that the Sportsfest2010 is over... I didn't do a whole lot this weekend. I also had a long weekend... so did some extra shopping.. and relaxed some.

My big event was 3 students (2 of mine and 1 of data class) took me out on the town. I have experienced some gay nightlife.

We went to Malate which is the gay section. It was a Sunday and not a big night for them to go out... and it not being a holiday here it was just a regular Sunday night. We ended up going to this one spot.. bar and restaurant... We got buckets of beers.. The beer is only 35 pesos.. which is about 80 cents a beer. So you can drink (and they do) a lot very cheaply. I had more than my normal 2.... Actually I lost count but that is another story... We sat and talked and got to know each other a little more on a personal level.

The Philippines are big on their karaoke.... and so they wanted to do it. I gave him. We had to go to anther room.. But that room was air conditioned.. (it was the normal 95 degree night). A few major differences.. You have to pay extra to go in... there is a video screen that the words on are for all to see.. You don't stand up in front but instead just sing at your table. Now.. no matter what the song is you're singing, the videos are ALL female cheerleader and modeling in swimsuits... very strange.. Well all 3 sang pretty well. you could tell they do it often and really enjoy it.

I gave in and sang Copacabana... it was ok. We then went to O Bar.. which was kind of small, but packed. The music was great... There were drag performers.. 1 was FIERCE!!!!, 1 was ok, 1 was kind of bad, and 1 was kind of slutty/funny/weird. I never laughed so much. There was a 5 dollar entry but then you got tickets for drinks.. which then like I said I had so much beer (because it was hot, cheap and it just felt right)... they also had 2 male dancers in between the drag numbers etc. 1 was very HOT... He was the most masculine Filipino that I have seen since I have been here. I was pretty sure he was straight.

I was very popular.. I was the only American (white person) in the place.. and they were looking/cruising or both much more than normal. It was all gay men and a good bunch of straight women. Well leave it to me to have a drunk girl LOVE me.. and basically try to maul me to death... My friends had to save me.. and her male friend apologized a few times for her behaviour. I had a few guys come up to me and start to talk but a lot of looks all around all night which was very flattering. I did try to introduce the men to my 2 single friends.. and I think AJ did get a number of 2. I felt like a real babe magnet!!!!!

We danced and danced and danced the night away. We had a good time and we left the bar around 5:30 in the AM. Normally I hadn't stayed up this late in a very long time. But with working off hours and just being off schedule in so many ways... I think it wasn't so hard for me to do it. The music was GREAT.. and we had fun.

At one point late in to the evening.. they did play Donna Summer Last dance with a weird but good medley of other songs.. I was thinking that this is the song they play at the last T dance in Ptown on Labor Day Monday. I was thinking if only I had my phone and it was working.. I could have called a few people like I normally do. It made me think of Ptown this summer, labor day and all that I missed. But I kept dancing.

Got back to the hotel and got a couple of hours of sleep. We ended up going to Green Hills shopping which is like an indoor flea market. A lot of knock off stuff. and you can buy anything from pearls to furniture, to food to pet supplies. It was so HOT... I was basically dragging butt from no sleep.

We got home late afternoon.. and my bed never felt so good.

I missed this last weeks flower arrangement... I tried to take the picture of few times and there was always someone around. My friend Lisa got it so I will post it eventually. Sunday went to my normal routing of the spa. This week was the same as the last.. Sea Salt scrub exfoliation, a massage, a manicure and a facial. 4 treatments.. 3 hours this time since they did the facial and manicure at the same time... all for 94 dollars including the tips for all 4 women. I have one more week of this routine.. but next week doing a few different and more things. I am going to miss my Manila Sunday's..

Didn't do much this extra day. I did some personal work, and left the regular work for this week. I am very busy and hope I get it all done. I am also kind of not sure what is going to happen. Lisa leaves Thursday...and Pam comes Saturday.. so a lot of movement. I get to leave next Saturday.. 2 new classes start next week.. and I am helping get them going.. and will observe most of the 1st week before I leave. The time will fly.. and before you know it I will be home in my own house.. and I can't wait. I have talked / skyped with Tim and Molly a lot.. but it will be so glad to be looking and touching them. I am only home for 5 days before I am off to the next travel to Greece via Paris.. Stay tuned for the fun parts of my vacation... which I will probably write every day.

So here I sit.. 9:30 on Tuesday morning.. and soon off to bed. May take a pill (Thanks to my great DR.. I have pills for everything!!!) which will help me sleep. I get up at 5 to 5:30, walk at the gym, get my lunch at subway, coffee at Starbucks and then back to my breakfast which is always oatmeal and mixed carrot and orange (both freshly squeezed) juice. Shower and off to work..

Well enjoy the short week.. This picture is this weeks arrangement. Since we weren't up to see it go up on Sunday night.. not sure how it went. This last night being Monday night.. they do the cleaning of the floors and carpets.. so a lot more noise.. and I kind of missed my Sunday night. One more next week..

Til next time..

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